

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Singapore Series: Lee Kaja (Hair Salon)

Singapore Series: Lee Kaja (Hair Salon)

Anyone who’s close to me, knows how fussy I am when it comes to salons, moreso when I require a haircut. Hair is so important as it can literally transform the way you look, so needless to say, I did a lot of research when looking for a salon. 

I stumbled across a salon called Lee Kaja which is based in the Mandarin Gallery (shopping mall) on the famous Orchard Road. Orchard Road is famous as THE shopping district of Singapore. From local brands to high end designers, they have everything! 

Lee Kaja is a Korean salon and when I first entered the open plan style salon, I was surprised at how big it was. When you first enter, you’re welcomed by a member of staff who seat you in the cafe/ lounge area. There you are offered a drink, anything from soft drinks to coffee. The coffee is always served with a small cake and banana (don’t ask) - which is a cute touch. Like all good salons, it’s complimentary! 

Lee Kaja hair salon review and blog

The entire vibe of the salon is “cool”. Cool may now seem such an old-fashioned (ironically uncool) word for the millennials, but really there’s no other suitable word, other than maybe “Instagrammable”. The cafe, the neon signs with cool quotes, the plants and greenery strategically placed... just makes you want to get your camera out to take pictures, even if you feel like THAT girl! The kind of girl who climbs on her chair in a restaurant to get THAT picture! If you know, you know! 

Lee Kaja hair salon review and blog

My appointment was with the Senior stylist and hair maestro Ted. He is a calm, shy but quietly confident man with a whole collection of tattoos. Somehow being in this man’s presence, you feel like he will do a good job and he absolutely did. Everytime I left the salon (I went twice during the 3 week stay; it was that good!) I felt like Korean Beyoncé. 

Lee Kaja hair salon review and blog

I also wanted to add a separate shoutout to Mark who is the Customer Service Manager. Everytime we saw him, he was so friendly and gracious, like the perfect host. Mark is someone who instantly makes you feel welcome, and it’s so easy to warm to his personality - like an old friend. If I were in the industry, he is certainly someone I would want to poach, yes really, that good. 

I would highly recommend Lee Kaja Salon for your beauty needs as they also provide nail services such as nail art. When I live in Singapore, I will breeze down the road and get my blow dries done here, like a boss! xo


*NB: All photographs on this post are my own.

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Singapore Series: 1-Altitude

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