

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Singapore Series: Auriga Spa (Capella Hotel)

Singapore Series: Auriga Spa (Capella Hotel)

This luxurious spa is located in the 5* Capella hotel which is on Sentosa Island; famous for its beaches and laid back vibes. Sentosa island is super easy to reach by MRT (underground/ metro/ subway equivalent) and from there, you can get the cable car across to the island, which only takes a few minutes. 

Sentosa Cable Car

The hotel isn’t easy to find, and although Google tells you it’s walking distance, (they be lying!) I would much rather advise you to grab a taxi there. Taxis are really affordable in Singapore, and you can often hail one by standing at bus stops or taxi ranks that look like bus stops. 

Upon arriving at Capella hotel, you literally feel like you’ve stumbled across a golf resort in Barbados. The hotel itself is very luxurious and in the middle of beautiful surroundings. The service is so excellent that when lost and asking for directions, I had a staff member (literally) show me the way. 

Credit Source: Photo from Booking.com

Credit Source: Photo from Booking.com

As expected from a top notch spa, the second I entered, the receptionist welcomed us in hushed tones and offered a drink and seat. Whenever I enter a spa, I always feel like I’ve entered a Buddhist monastery as there’s something very serene about these places. 

Auriga Spa Review and Blog

Soon I was introduced to my therapist Mai who was responsible for my full body treatment, including exfoliation. This involved getting fully naked and taking several showers. I’m normally very body conscious but Mai always made me feel comfortable and never made me feel naked, if that makes sense? 

She even did a consultation in the beginning and asked for my permission to touch my top half etc. Throughout the process, I was scrubbed, rubbed and massaged. It could sound seedy but it wasn’t, and I literally felt like I was in heaven. At one point I’m sure I drifted off, only realising when being woken by the sound of my own snort!

The room had its own shower and with each shower I had to take, Mai gave me privacy by leaving the room. Whenever I came out, a new disposable underwear was left out for me, and my slippers put together, facing the right way (it’s the small things!). Only when I was comfortably back in the safety of the bed, would she discreetly knock and come back in. 

Auriga Spa Review and Blog

At the end of the treatment, Mai escorted me to the relaxation lounge, with a nice steaming cup of ginger tea. I never felt rushed and honestly felt they would not have minded if I spent half a day there. Even the ladies changing rooms had everything you could desire, from lockers, hairdryers, towels, tissues, cotton pads/buds etc. 

Auriga Spa review and blog

I had enough time to re-apply some of my makeup (to look relatively human) but couldn’t salvage my hair without washing it, due to the oils used. I would have had the time and facilities to shower and wash my hair, but I didn’t want to remove any of the newly applied oils. I normally hate tying my hair up in public, but this day, I couldn’t care less! I felt fresh, and glowing so I tied my hair, and walked out feeling glowy like Jennifer Lopez ! I’d 100% recommend this spa, and though it’s not cheap (it isn’t the most expensive either) but so worth it for the quality of treatments and the entire experience! When (yes when) I move to Singapore, I will certainly be a regular! xo


*NB: All photos are mine, with the exception of credited photographs

Singapore Series: The Whiskey Library (The Vagabond Club)

Singapore Series: The Whiskey Library (The Vagabond Club)

Blog Name Competition

Blog Name Competition