

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Backyard Cinema; Aladdin

Backyard Cinema; Aladdin

As you may remember, I previously attended a Backyard Cinema event in a church venue, to watch Romeo + Juliet. The seating was very uncomfortable, the sound quality not so great, but the highlight of the event was the Some Voices choir. To be honest, if the Backyard Cinema’s main venue remained as the church, I would not have returned based on how uncomfortable the church pew seating is (even with a cushion!) I left hobbling away (I have lower back issues) like the oriental version of Hunchback of Notre Dame.

This time, the venue was Capital Studios in Wandsworth. I believe this is now their main venue and opened very recently in September 2019. The theme was Winter Garden and I was excited to see Aladdin as I hadn’t seen it yet. I purchased the VIP tickets which was described as bean bags with back support (interesting) and in a central screen location. I also had the option to pre-purchase a snack package of popcorn and sweets; although I didn’t get to see options online.

When we arrived at the venue, it looked like any other building and first impressions were not good, based on the very unfriendly girl at the front desk. However, that was soon forgotten when we were ushered into a very small but strange ‘stagey’ looking room. There were about 8 of us in the queue, with a wardrobe at the front and an actor being odd. He wasn’t meant to be odd and was obviously reciting his script but I found the whole thing a bit bizarre at the beginning. Soon enough, the wardrobe doors were opened and we were mysteriously welcomed into a Narnia type world of fur coats.

Before any PETA supporters start kicking off, I don’t know if they were real fur coats (doubt it), but we literally had to wade (yes, wade) through several fur coats in the dark, not knowing what lay ahead of us. Just to be clear, I hate anything that remotely resembles a ghost house or anything creepy, and suddenly this “winter garden” was beginning to take the shape of a haunted house theme. I might have once worked with some of the most deranged people in society, but put me in a ghost house (or anything spooky) and I will scream like a 5 year old girl.


Soon we entered, what looked like a secret garden (finally) and with its colourful fairy lights decoration, all looked beautiful. That is until the man in front screamed, because what he thought was a harmless hedge, turned out to be a woman disguised as a bush. I kid you not. At that moment, I just thanked God it wasn’t me at the front, otherwise I would have probably been cautioned for punching her in the head - unintentionally of course! The bush lady (for want of a better name), suddenly got into character and started to speak in poetic sentences which sounded like gibberish to me.


I was too busy taking pictures when suddenly there was a shift in the room and it took me a couple of seconds to realise, everyone had turned around to look at us and wanted us to put our hand in this weird fist-sized garden hole. Why us? Because we happened to be the ‘lucky’ bastards standing right next to the ruddy thing. At that moment, I did what anyone in my situation would do and turned to my husband, sacrificing his hand for greater good. He was a good sport and put his fist in without a second thought. I had visions of terror of a mystery creature biting his hand off but no something worse happened… The lights went out completely.


Surrounded in complete darkness, I doubted myself for a second and wondered whether I had accidentally booked the wrong theme of death and despair. FML. After what felt like an eternity, the lights eventually came back up and I tried to look as non-panic stricken as possible; trying to play it cool, but I was gripping my husband’s arm so tight. Soon the bush lady cheerfully ushered us into a magical garden corridor, which led to the final room, the main cinema room, and I’ve never been so happy to see a massive screen and people in my life.


It turns out everyone was seated in bean bags with back support (we weren't that VIP) but our seats were centrally located. The earlier you arrive, the better the seats the ushers try to find you. Once choosing our seats, we grabbed the snacks of popcorn (standard bag of sweet or salty) and one choice (out of three) of sweets - all Candy Kitten. That damn Jamie Laing is everywhere! The nice touch is that you can either choose to buy a glass or bottle or wine/ Prosecco to enjoy during the film.

As the lights dimmed, the crazy bush lady returned to do a monologue. She might as well have been speaking in another language as I didn’t understand a thing she said but tried to take several sips of rose to aid understanding. I didn’t understand what her speech had to do with the film, but she was endearing and all was forgiven, when lots of bubbles appeared from the ceiling, with each magically bursting with smoke. I love bubbles anyway (which sicko doesn’t?!) but these were the Gucci versions of bubbles with smoke coming out each time one burst.

The film started soon after (without any trailers - hallelujah!) and it was everything I dreamed of and more. They tried to keep as much to the original script and storyline as possible, with almost all the major songs featured. It really took me down memory lane as I last watched it as a child. Well done to Guy Ritchie! After the film finished, we were ushered through the bar and to another big room where you had the option to stay and drink half prized cocktails, with Honest burger on site. We didn’t stay for the drinks or food this time, but next time, we will definitely try it out.

I loved the whole experience, and the seating was very comfortable. Next time, I’ll be more prepared for the “winter garden” and bring a taser with me, just in case any more trees try to jump out at cinema goers! Just joking of course! The Backyard Cinema event is highly recommended for a date with your S.O or even your besties! It is also particularly great when you want something to do in London but the weather is crap.

Until next time xo

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