

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Peggy Porschen - Kings Road Review

Peggy Porschen - Kings Road Review

Chances are high that you will have seen a Peggy Porschen cafe, either in their original location of Belgravia or their new location of Kings Road. What makes it so distinctive? The bright baby pink decor shouting “look at me!” It could be garish but somehow, they manage to get away with it, looking bright and welcoming.

Apologies for the rubbish sacks, I wasn’t desperate enough to get my hands dirty for the “perfect picture”

Apologies for the rubbish sacks, I wasn’t desperate enough to get my hands dirty for the “perfect picture”

Needless to say, it is very Instagram friendly and most be could forgiven for comparing it to Elan Cafe but really, it should be the other way around. Peggy Porschen was founded in 2003, with their first Belgravia cafe opening in 2010, whereas Elan Cafe was founded in 2017.

For those who know me well, know that I like to do a bit of research before visiting a new restaurant or cafe. Rather disappointingly, Peggy Porschen Chelsea - although new - already has a poor rating of 3.1 out of 5 stars from a total of 14 reviews. This in honesty prepared me in advance, for the worst, with the majority of reviewers criticising the quality and prices of the cakes, and stating it was not “worth the hype”. Ouch!

My friend and I turned up expecting a queue of people, but when we arrived around 12.30-1pm (on a very sunny day), there was no queue and the generously sized cafe was half empty (or full, whichever way you want to view it!) Though this was great for us, it doesn’t seem promising for a new business.

Peggy Porschen Cafe Kings Road

We were welcomed in by friendly staff who offered us a choice of seats. I always love when restaurants or cafes do this, and so this was a good start! As soon as we sat down, we were given a menu. Though the cover looked old-fashioned in my opinion, what matters is the content - substance over style!

Peggy Porschen Kings Road Review

After browsing the menu, I decided on a cute carrot and lemon cupcake - normally hate any lemony desserts but the cupcake looked cute. I clearly forgot what I just said about substance over style. I also ordered a soya milk hazelnut latte, my usual jam. My friend ordered a vanilla latte with a slice of Easter egg cake (or something like that!)

Peggy Porschen Kings Road Review

Peggy Porschen Kings Road Review

Peggy Porschen Kings Road Review

I was relieved to find out that my cupcake was quite enjoyable and my friend commented her cake was delicious. Although we didn't enter with high expectations (due to the reviews), we were happy to find out that the cakes overall were quite tasty. The only criticism would be the lattes which appeared to be made in a rush and pretty weak in flavour.

For two coffees and two very small cakes, it totalled to £23.40 which is a bit pricey but to be expected. Did I have a nice time? Yes, but would I go back? Not right away. I believe they have a good location and will do well considering the area and the Chelsea clientele. The service was consistently good and much better than that of Elan Cafe in Market Place, Oxford Circus.

Peggy Porschen Kings Road Review

Peggy Porschen Kings Road Review

Peggy Porschen Kings Road Review
Peggy Porschen Kings Road Review

Until next time xo


All pictures on this post are my own

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