

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

New Year, Lost Me

New Year, Lost Me

New Year, means a new you, right?

I have taken that to the extreme, by giving up my job with no prospective or dream job lined up. What was I thinking, I hear you shout and to be honest, I don’t know. When I initially told people, I was met with mostly cheerful and envious responses and I guess in many ways, I am lucky to be sustainable enough without an immediate job to run to.

I read somewhere that most people are in their ideal career by the age of 33 years old, but that means, I have one year left. That would all be dandy but the problem is, I don’t know where I want to go or what I want to do. These days I measure daily success by being able to find matching socks to wear. The last time I had a QLC (quarter life crisis), I jumped from a successful career in Social Work of 6 years to being a makeup artist. This eventually led to promotions and success within the beauty industry, but 5 years later, here I am again. Do I have a career expiry date of 6 years? It seems so!

I temporarily had a wobbly moment but I know I have an opportunity to do pretty much what I want for the next few months. I should be excited, so what next? I want to remain open minded and explore more opportunities. Have you seen that film ‘The Yes Man’? I think I need to say ‘yes’ to more people, and situations I’d normally shy away from. Who knows where the path will lead to but for now, I have no regrets.


New Year's Eve - Overrated or worth the hype?

New Year's Eve - Overrated or worth the hype?

