

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



In May I travelled to Lisbon after hearing so many people gushing about Portugal's amazing capital city. I stayed for 5 days at the Corpo Santo Lisbon Historical Hotel (world's longest name) in the City Centre - which I'd highly recommended! I would stay there again if I were to travel to Lisbon for a second time. 

The weather was beautiful, the people friendly and the food (particularly the seafood) was delicious. I soaked up the rays, bought tins of sardines -although artistic and colourful- were completely unnecessary, and drank lots of Sangria (to stay hydrated of course!). You know a holiday is good when you want to visit again. I've travelled to many different cities and although I enjoyed it overall, I have often thought "okay, that's ticked off and I don't need to visit again". Lisbon is not one of those cities. As much as I explored, I am certain I have only touched the surface.

Here is a summary of my trip in pictures...


All pictures on this post are my own

New Year, Lost Me

New Year, Lost Me

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