

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Alto Restaurant - Selfridges

Alto Restaurant - Selfridges

As you know, I’m a real foodie but Italian food is my favourite. English people think of Italian food as just pasta, lasagne, spaghetti bolognese and pizza (don’t even get me started on carbonara) but it is so much more than that. We all fall in love with the simplicity, yet delicious complexities of the food.

I have travelled to Italy 9 times and there will certainly be a 10th trip this year. I have travelled to Venice (twice), Verona, Bassano, Florence, Milan, Rome, Catania, Naples, Sorrento and Capri - explored both North and South. Due to this, my tastebuds have been thoroughly spoilt by authentic Italiano food. Having lived in London all my life, I now know all the Italian hot spots for great restaurants and pizzerias - which I will share in future posts.

Selfridges host a different rooftop restaurant each year and currently it is Alto - a chain of restaurants owned by the San Carlo Group. It is a cicchetti type of menu where you can choose several small dishes to share with your companion(s) - a posh Italian tapas, if you will.

I have now visited Alto twice, and would love to go a third time at least, before it is changed to a different restaurant. If you love your seafood like me, I would highly recommend the calamari fritti (the dipping sauce is everything), the lobster ravioli and the gnocchi with pistachio. My mouth is literally salivating as I write!

The ambience is very relaxed, there is a good selection of wine and the waiters are very attentive. My friend and I met up for lunch yesterday when the sun decided to come out and treat us to a glorious day. The kind of day where you realise how beautiful London is in the sunshine and the kind that makes you feel all giddy on Vitamin D. The cool, crisp but sunny weather really complimented the autumnal decor of the restaurant with their design of autumn leaves covering the ceiling and also the entrance tunnel to the restaurant.

If you are a fellow Italian foodie, I would highly recommend Alto restaurant which is based in Selfridges London, and can be reached directly with it’s own elevator in the perfumery section. Warning: You might just have to dive before a fragrance specialist spritzes Oud in your face.

Bon appetito! xo



All pictures on this post are my own

Picture of Alto San Carlo restaurant in Selfridges, London
Picture of the flower wall at Alto San Carlo restaurant in Selfridges, London
Picture of meals at Alto San Carlo restaurant in Selfridges, London
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