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Charlotte Tilbury: Sofia Tilbury x Harrods Beauty Hall event

Charlotte Tilbury: Sofia Tilbury x Harrods Beauty Hall event

On the 19th July, I attended a Charlotte Tilbury event at their new Harrods Beauty Hall. For one week from the 15th-19th July, the senior Charlotte Tilbury team offered masterclasses at Harrods for one hour each evening. Friday 19th was the biggest event with Sofia Tilbury, Charlotte Tilbury’s niece (for those of you that don’t know), making an appearance and doing her first masterclass for the brand. I don’t know Sofia’s specific role/ title in the brand, other than the fact that she is Charlotte’s niece, but does anyone else think she looks like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley!? She also has legs for dayssssssss!


Sofia was assisted by Kelly Dawn who is the National PRO Artist Manager for the brand. The masterclass was supposed to begin at 7pm and I damn nearly killed myself trying to get there on time (which I managed successfully), only for Sofia to be almost 30 minutes late. Her excuse? Trying on clothes in the Harrods fashion department - I’m sure they provided a complimentary head to toe outfit for her #cantrelate.

In a way, I’d rather they didn’t tell us this as I felt it was somewhat disrespectful to the attendees who had arrived on time, and some very early. Plus, Sofia said herself that it was her first ever masterclass, therefore not a great start. She introduced Kelly to us who explained that she had been fitted with braces for the first time that day and therefore her speech was impacted but I found her to be really likeable and you could tell she was very passionate about working for the brand.


Sofia did do a good job of applying the makeup on the model but to be honest, as with any Charlotte Tilbury campaign, they use super gorgeous models with perfect skin. You could apply shit (literally shit) to their faces and somehow they’d still make it look “fashion!”. The model honestly looked beautiful even when she was barefaced.


Sofia took her time with the makeup application, especially the brow application which she is obsessed with. Though it was nice that she didn’t want to rush on one hand, on the other, I was mindful we wouldn’t have enough time to shop. By the time she finished, it was around or after 8.30pm and she then offered to take 121 photographs with everyone. I was mindful Harrods was closing at 9pm and wanted to get a good shopping session in before leaving.

Kelly (bless her) had tried to rush Sofia as much as she could but unsuccessfully and of course, it didn’t help that she was almost 30 minutes late! In the end, I had to make a decision: picture with Sofia (and end up looking like a whale next to her) vs. get my shop on and make my journey to Harrods worthwhile, with some products. I chose the latter and when I did, the CT team seemed flabbergasted that I didn’t want to take a photo with their superstar. They literally looked at me like I was speaking in Mandarin. Sorry huns, I’ve got some shopping to do!

Whizzing off to the CT counter, I managed to redeem my £50 event ticket on a few items including the Legendary Brows, Full Fat Lashes Mascara, Hollywood Contour Wand, Golden Quartz Eyeshadow and Eye Powder Pencil. I also wanted the creamy eyeshadow in Rose Gold that Sofia used but it was apparently out of stock, has been for a while and they didn’t know when it would be back in stock! Great choice of eyeshadow! A couple of times, Sofia wanted to use specific products which the team didn’t have on display, and let’s just say, it went down like a lead balloon. Often you’d hear her demand “Why?!” or at one point she swore before apologising. Maybe she forgot she had a mic strapped to her.

The final look:


Final Thoughts:

The venue of the masterclass was nice, but heavily marketed with Charlotte Tilbury goods. It was as if Charlotte Tilbury had vomited all over the venue. It was very open plan which came with a lot of distractions, mainly with people constantly walking up and down the stairs. Also, people upstairs still got to listen in and watch the whole masterclass; the only difference between me and them is that they got to participate for free. I personally think the masterclass should have been in a private room in Harrods somewhere, to minimise noise and distractions.


The goodie bag was okay, but nothing fancy! They gave us mini sizes of the Super Model Body, Goddess Skin Clay Mask and Wonder Glow. The rest of the bag was filled up with random lip stickers from her Hot Lips collection; one went on my MacBook (thank you!) and the rest went into the bin. They also included a phone cover which was a bit tackysaurus and a CT cookie which I gave to my husband. The CT one hour complimentary transformation was a nice touch and I will most likely redeem this when I need to repurchase some goods.

I have lots of thoughts on my purchases for the night but I will review this separately in my July haul! In the future, I would like to attend a masterclass led by Kelly Dawn as I think I would get more from the event.

Until next time xo


All pictures on this post are my own.

July's Makeup Haul

July's Makeup Haul

The 'R' Word; Racism, Ignorance and Downright Stupidity

The 'R' Word; Racism, Ignorance and Downright Stupidity