

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Macallan x Harvey Nichols

Macallan x Harvey Nichols

Everyone who knows me, knows I am particularly fond of whiskey as my choice of tipple. I found out about the event through Eventbrite (my bae) but £50 sounded too good to be true! For £50pp they said we could try 5 different types of whiskey and a 5 course meal! I enjoy whiskey tasting and since Macallan is a reputable whiskey brand, I knew I would get my money’s worth on the whiskey alone! Anything else would be a bonus, especially the 5 course meal they were promising! I imagined a group of people, being forced to make small talk and mingle, sipping on whiskey and eating canapés, but would I be right?


Upon entering Harvey Nichols 5th floor cafe, we were led to our seats with a simple but classy table arrangement. It seemed we would be force to mingle and make small talk sigh but at least we would do it being seated and with the fuel of quality whiskey and food in our bellies. A lovely man who reviews alcohol (who came alone), sat next to me and thankfully, he had a personality and sense of humour - hallelujah!


My eyes were instantly drawn to the menu and what a menu! Though I didn’t expect much, the dishes were of a decent size (not Michelin standard sized mouthfuls) and cooked to a high quality with bags of flavour. Though we tried 5 different types of whiskey (shot sizes), the host was generous enough to top up our glasses at times. At the end of the night, I’m certain I had about 8 shots (equivalent) of whiskey and needless to say, I felt quite merry on the way home. One whiskey we tried was only launched 2 weeks prior and one cost almost £1000 which gave the feeling of exclusivity.

I loved the event overall and thought it was well organised and beautifully laid out. I was so impressed by the service, the quality and portion of food, as well as being able to try exclusive Macallans. I would not only recommend a similar event, but would certainly attend this kind of event again.

Until next time xo

Blog Name Competition

Blog Name Competition

The Microblading Experience

The Microblading Experience